Awards and recognitions
Making dreams come true is the best reward for our efforts to achieve our goal.

as our motivation


as a result of hard work
November 2021
Fair Play Award
In November 2021 the company carSolutions Sp. z o.o. Sp. K. was awarded the Fair Play prize. This year it is an exceptional honour, as the company has been awarded the Gold Certificate of Business Quality. The Management Board of carSolutions Sp. z o.o. can confidently speak of a very high distinction by the honourable Chapter, and although the year 2021 was very difficult for business, the Presidents may be proud that the Company has achieved such a notable success.
March 2021
Diamonds of the Polish Economy 2020 of the Małopolskie Voivodship
In March 2021 the financial results of 3105 companies from Małopolskie Voivodship were examined. The survey was conducted by the European Business Institute. As a result, the carSolutions Company achieved a great 295th place in the ranking and received a prestigious award - Diamonds of Polish Economy 2020 of Małopolskie Voivodeship. It is a great success for the company to be in such a high position in this type of classification among the largest and best-known companies from the Małopolska region. At the bottom of this page, you can find a link to the ranking of the awarded companies.
November 2020
Fair Play Award
On 27.11.2020 once again carSolutions Sp. z o.o. Sp. K. received the "Fair Play Enterprise" award. Despite adversities, which is the fight against the pandemic and its consequences and this year the company has met all the points that define the character of a Fair Play Enterprise. This is another award that the company can be proud of.
March 2020
Business Tiger - Adam Jeż
n March 2020, the Business Tiger awards ceremony was held. Vice President of carSolutions Adam Jeż became a finalist of this award and received the statuette. Receiving this award is a great success which proves that Adam Jeż has talent, passion and works hard to become an expert in his industry. His business sense, perseverance and ability to establish contacts with customers contributed to the fact that Vice President is perceived as an authority among consumers and automotive professionals. Congratulations!
March 2020
Business Tiger - Mariusz Zawadzki
During the Gala of the Business Tigers Magazine, President Mariusz Zawadzki received an award; Business Tiger. Winners are honored with this prestigious award for achievements in the difficult and demanding world of business. Candidates were verified according to the guidelines of the consortium and the awarded are experts in the industry, market leaders who are an example for others. Mariusz Zawadzki is a person who courageously and with commitment points out role models for various entrepreneurs so that they can gain experience in running their own businesses. The President of carSolutions has been noticed and awarded this influential trophy, of which he is very proud. Congratulations!
December 2019
Pearls of the Polish Economy
Pearls of the Polish Economy is a title awarded in the ranking of the best companies. In December 2019, carSolutions was awarded with this distinction. In order for the Company to receive this award, the ranking research conducted according to a special algorithm developed by scientists from the Warsaw School of Economics had to be held. In the classification in which 2000 companies participated, carSolutions was ranked second in the "Pearls of the Polish Large Economy".
December 2019
Business Gazelles
In December 2019, carSolutions joined the elite Business Gazelle club.This award proves that the company is developing very dynamically on the Polish market and its turnover is constantly increasing.
Receiving it reflects the fact that carSolutions has a very good reputation among its contractors and is a signal to new customers that it is trustworthy.
November 2019
Fair Play Award
On Nov., 22nd 2019, carSolutions received "Fair Play Company", Business Quality Certificate. This award confirms its reliability and compliance with all statutory requirements. The Committee assesses, among other things: timeliness of obligations, quality of the services offered, working conditions, quality of cooperation with contractors...
July 2019
Company of the Year
July 1, 2019 The company carSolutions became "Company of the Year". The idea of the Program is to honor the best companies at home. The certificate that the Company received confirms that carSolutions is a company that meets the highest standards of service and thus enjoys very high confidence among customers and business experts.
June 2019
Outstanding Company
In June 2019, Prestigious awards were given to companies that stand out on the Polish market. The ceremony took place during the 30 Years of Freedom of the Republic of Poland Jubilee Gala. The "Outstanding Company" statuette went to the owners of carSolutions. It was a great honour to receive it, especially as it was presented by the honourable Presidium of the Federation of Entrepreneurs and Employers. This award is granted to the most successful companies in their industries and aims to appreciate and distinguish the businesses that can inspire others. It is also a recognition of the effort and commitment for the companies that have contributed to the development of Polish entrepreneurship.
June 2019
Manager of the year - Mariusz Zawadzki
On 14 June, the Great Gala of the 30th Anniversary of Freedom of the Republic of Poland was held. During this ceremony, the prestigious Manager of the Year awards were granted. The laureate of one of them was the President of the Management Board of carSolutions, Mr Mariusz Zawadzki. It is a recognition that confirms his great ability to lead the team towards success and improve his qualifications in achieving the goal.
June 2019
Manager of the year - Adam Jeż
On June 14th, Adam Jeż, Vice President of carSolutions, received the Manager of the Year Award. This award is granted to people who create competitiveness and innovation of their company in an effective and conscious manner, and who strive to develop it while respecting ethical standards. This prestigious award is granted by "Ogólnopolska Federacja Przedsiębiorców i Pracodawców" (Polish National Federation of Entrepreneurs and Employers) as part of the National Programme for the Promotion of Polish Entrepreneurship.
March 2019
Diamonds of the Polish Economy
On 12 March, 2019 carSolutions was awarded the title of Diamonds of the Polish Economy 2019. The winners were selected from a number of Polish companies. When awarding the prizes, the Institute of European Business examines the market value of the company, which this time was required to amount to more than PLN 10 million. The nominees were verified by comparing the company performance to the values of public companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange
March 2019
On March 12, 2019 carSolutions Sp. z o.o. Sp. K. was awarded the title of ‘Gepard Biznesu’ 2019.
These awards are granted by the Institute of European Business to companies that are developing rapidly and dynamically on the Polish market. The criterion for awarding the prize to a particular company is the average of the dynamics of profit and revenue, which was higher than 10 percent in the year in question
Prestiżowe wyróżnienia dla CARSOLUTIONS Sp. z o.o. Sp. K. w Krakowie,z-pasji-do-motoryzacji-w-2015-roku-zostala-zalozona-firma-carsolutions/
March 2019
On March 12, 2019 carSolutions Sp. z o.o. Sp. K. was awarded the title of ‘Gepard Biznesu’ 2019.
These awards are granted by the Institute of European Business to companies that are developing rapidly and dynamically on the Polish market. The criterion for awarding the prize to a particular company is the average of the dynamics of profit and revenue, which was higher than 10 percent in the year in question
Prestiżowe wyróżnienia dla CARSOLUTIONS Sp. z o.o. Sp. K. w Krakowie,z-pasji-do-motoryzacji-w-2015-roku-zostala-zalozona-firma-carsolutions/
March 2018
Global Company
On March 12, 2019, carSolutions was awarded for its high export value for the second time by the European Business Institute in the 7th edition of the Worldwide Company Competition (2019) in the category of activities in foreign markets.
As previously, the criterion that the Committee considered was the value of annual exports higher than EUR 100,000 at the PLN/EUR exchange rate at the end of the year and the value of sales revenue that increased by more than 10%.
December 2018
PN-EN ISO 9001:2015 Certificate
On 06 December 2018 carSolutions Sp. z o.o. Sp. K. received ISO 9001:2015 Certificate, which is a kind of basis for carSolutions' positive image. In this way we guarantee our customers a high standard of quality management (TQM). Obtaining this certificate means for our company a large, global reputation, as these are standards established by an independent organization (in Poland this is PCA).
Our company continues to increase its competitive advantage by responding effectively to the needs of our customers and domestic and foreign markets. carSolutions is familiarized with legal and administrative requirements of the EU countries and other highly developed countries. Arranging the workflow in a structured way through clear procedures and instructions helps to solve problems quickly and comprehensively. Such a system allows reducing losses of so-called bad quality costs.
The aforementioned assumptions are the reason for continuous improvement of the carSolutions Sp. z o.o. Sp. K. and at the same time they are compatible with the PN-EN ISO 9001:2015 standard.
November 2018
"Diamond of Polish Export 2018" Award
When awarding carSolution Sp. z o.o. Sp.K. „Diament Polskiego Eksportu 2018” Prize ("Diamond of Polish Export 2018"), the Programme Council highly valued the company ‘s professional management of the highest standard, which enabled carSolutions Sp. z o.o. Sp.k. to become an appreciated and recognized leader in its industry within 3 years, both in Poland and Europe.
November 2018
"Reliable in Business"
When awarding the „Rzetelni w Biznesie” Prize ("Reliable in Business"), the Programme Council paid particular attention to the company's activities which ensure it a competitive advantage and include high flexibility and speed of decision making, diversification of supplies, a very wide range of products, the highest quality products in offer, its own branches in Europe as well as skilled, well-educated and qualified staff.
October 2018
"Światowa Firma" Award (Eng: Worldwide Company)
On 25th October 2018 carSolutions Sp. z o.o Sp. K. won the title of Worldwide Company 2018 in the 6th edition of the Worldwide Company Competition. The winners were selected on the basis of a survey of the company's financial situation run by the Infocredit Trade Intelligence Agency commissioned by the Institute of Modern Business.
The European Business Institute evaluated our company in the category of activities on foreign markets.
This year companies which recorded sales of goods on at least three foreign markets in 2017 have been selected. Other criteria applied by the Jury were the value of exports per year higher than EUR 100 thousand according to the exchange rate of its domestic currency to the euro at the end of the year, and an increase in the value of sales revenue by more than 10%.
September 2018
"Przedsiębiorstwo Przyszłości" Certificate (Eng: Enterprise of the Future)
On 5th September 2018 carSolutions Sp. z o.o. Sp. K. was awarded "Enterprise of the Future" Certificate in the category of "medium-sized entrepreneur". At the Final Gala of the 5th National Contest and Certification Programme "Enterprises of the Future", Mr. Prof. Dariusz Rott, PhD, officially awarded the Certificate to the owners of our Company.
During the Ceremony, representatives of more than 20 companies from all over Poland received certificates granted to the most innovative and developmental companies. These are assumed to base their business models on investing in knowledge, modernity and human capital.
Since 2013 the prestigious certificates of "Enterprise of the Future" have been awarded annually to market leaders - companies that have achieved their success because they are open to knowledge, invest in their employees, understand the importance of continuous improvement of competences and innovative management of their team.
March 2018
BVfK - Bundesverband freier KFZ-Händler
On the 8th of June 2018 carSolutions Sp. z o.o. Sp. K. was admitted to BVFK Bundesverband freier Kfz-Händler (Association of Independent Vehicle Dealers). This is a very prestigious association and any company with the BVfK certification is seen as reliable and fair.
If a company wants to become a member of this organisation, it has to stand out in business reliability and have a strong position on the market.
BVFK was founded in February 2000 in Bonn. According to its statutory objectives it is committed to improving trust in vehicle dealers among customers and the general public.